Thursday, December 8, 2011

Entry 1: Assignment Day

My palms are sweaty as I walk into the same classroom I have been stepping into for the past twelve years of my life.  However, I have never felt so eager to hear the tapping of my shoes on the tile floors, and sitting in my desk with a 'B' deeply carved into the surface from a few years back.  Today was assignment day, where the strip of paper we draw from the mayor's hat determines our occupations for the next three years.  I was up all night, hoping, wishing, praying, that i would see the bold words 'messenger' on my thin white sheet of folded paper.
When the mayor walked in, i quickly perfected my posture, and outlined the 'B' on my desk with my shaky fingertips.  Everybody exchanged nervous glances, and you could feel the tension in the room.
After a few people were drawing green house worker, tunnel works, paper works, and electrician, nothing really effected me much until i heard my best friend, Doon Harrow, read out the word 'messenger' with slight depression in his voice.  My heart stopped.  Did this really happen?  Did my best friend really just draw my dream job from the hat?
When it was my turn to determine my career I walked up to the mayor, hopeless.  Sure enough, I chose one of the worse possible occupations out of all the tiny slips of paper; pipe works laborer.  I read the words off of my sheet, my throat choked, and then i returned back to my seat.
Later after the mayor made is exit and everyone was gossiping about their new careers, some happy some sad, I walked over to talk to Doon.  I couldn't imagine how he could possible feel upset about being messenger, for I have been dreaming about that for ever since I could remember.
To my surprise, Doon offered to trade me.  I didn't even hesitate before snatching the rectangular piece of paper.  I was so happy I couldn't even think straight. 

On my way home that night, I took a look down all the streets of Ember, just imagining myself sprinting through them tomorrow delivering messages for all the people in the city.  These next three years will be just as I had wished for. 

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