Thursday, December 8, 2011

Entry 2: First Day As Messenger

I hoped out of bed early this morning, even though I barely got two minutes of sleep throughout the whole night.  I was so eager to start my job as messenger, all i could do was come up with different scenarios in my mind of how my first day of work was going to go.
My first message was sent from an odd looking man, long neck with large teeth, but the name of Looper.  I was expected to deliver the statement, "delivery at 8:00 PM" to the mayor of the city.  

My attitude was totally different this time I saw the mayor, I was much less nervous and much more joyful.  As I read Looper's report loud and clear, and the mayor responded with a mumble.  I took this as an okay, and slowly walked out of his office.  I didn't see any guards, so I started walking around and exploring the place, soon to find myself on the top of the roof, looking out over all the City of Ember.  As i was trying to take it all in, I heard the slam of the door and three guards came bolting at me.  Only soon after i was facing the mayor with, once again, a more nervous vibe.  He told me this was my one warning, and i responded by telling him that it would never happen again, and I walked out of the large building determined to deliver more messages. 

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